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With over 5000 doctors and experts in the healthcare field medical directory provides a listing of all doctorsacross a wide variety if medical fields

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With over 5000 doctors and experts in the healthcare field medical directory provides a listing of all doctorsacross a wide variety if medical fields

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With over 5000 doctors and experts in the healthcare field medical directory provides a listing of all doctorsacross a wide variety if medical fields

About Us - World Elite Doctors Forum

World of Elite Doctors

World of Elite Doctors promotes research and innovations in new medical devices and awarding outstanding doctors.

Icons of Cardiology

Dr Debakey, Father of Cardiac Surgery

Michael Ellis DeBakey (born Michel Dabaghi; September 7, 1908 – July 11, 2008) was a American vascular surgeon and cardiac surgeon, scientist and medical educator who became the chancellor emeritus of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, director of the Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center.

Dr  Andreaa Gruntzig, Father of Coronary Angioplasty

Andreas Roland Grüntzig was a German radiologist and cardiologist, with foundational interest, training and research in epidemiology and angiology. He is known for being the first to develop successful balloon angioplasty for expanding lumens of narrowed arteries. He was born in Dresden

Dr Spencer B King, Outstanding writer and Publishers in Cardiology

Spencer King received his degree from the Medical College of Georgia and specialized in internal medicine and cardiology at Emory University. He was involved in early innovations with angiography, co-developing a multipurpose single femoral catheter approach in Denver with Fred Schoonmaker, improving upon the Sones brachial cut-down technique.

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